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Scaling the Summit is a podcast developed by UN Global Pulse and the UN Innovation Network as part of the UN Group on Scaling Innovations, a group created in April 2023 which united over 350 UN colleagues and stakeholders from various sectors to exchange experiences and ideas on scaling up solutions. Throughout 2023, this group organized webinars, workshops and discussions to help deepen the understanding of what it takes to scale innovations in the UN system.

The “Scaling the Summit” podcast, the latest edition to these activities, features compelling interviews with experienced UN colleagues and external practitioners. Covering mentoring, monitoring and evaluation, funding, and more, each episode delves into key aspects of scaling innovations. Its goal is to shed light on the journey from an idea to a fully-scaled project within the UN system.

Listen to the series now on:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts

If you are inspired by what you have read, and are interested in collaborating and experimenting with us at UN Global Pulse, join the UN Group on Scaling Innovations or reach out to Emma Honkala, Community Manager at