Closing the Information Gap: Understanding the Needs of Parents and Caretakers of Children with Disability in Indonesia
The Most Creative Look to the Future: Imagination and Creative Practice in Service of Organizational Transformation
Epidemiological modelling in refugee and internally displaced people settlements: challenges and ways forward
Predictive modeling of movements of refugees and internally displaced people: Towards a computational framework
Operational response simulation tool for epidemics within refugee and IDP settlements: A scenario-based case study of the Cox’s Bazar settlement
Assessing the Use of Transaction and Location Based Insights Derived from Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) as Near Real time “Sensing” Systems of Economic Shocks
Identifying Potential Positive Deviants (PDs) Across Rice Producing Areas in Indonesia: An Application of Big Data Analytics and Approaches
PulseSatellite: A tool using human-AI feedback loops for satellite image analysis in humanitarian contexts
Assessing the Implementation of Indonesia’s National Nutrition Information System (e-PPGBM): Challenges, Gaps and Opportunities
Assessing the Implementation of Indonesia’s National Nutrition Information System (e-PPGBM): Challenges, Gaps and Opportunities
SDG Localization in Asean: Experiences in Shaping Policy and Implementation Pathways (Big Data and the SDGs)
E-Analytics Guide: Using Data and New Technology for Peacemaking, Preventive Diplomacy, and Peacebuilding
Nowcasting Air Quality by Fusing Insights from Meteorological Data, Satellite Imagery and Social Media Images Using Deep Learning
Humanitarian applications of machine learning with remote-sensing data: review and case study in refugee settlement mapping
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