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Author(s): Pulse Lab Jakarta / UN Global Pulse


To support the National Movement for Stunting Reduction, the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) launched Sistem Informasi Gizi Terpadu (SIGIZI Terpadu) – a national nutrition information system to record and report data on community-based nutrition. Focused particularly on adolescents, pregnant women and children under five years of age, this system is used to track the implementation of various nutrition programmes in Indonesia. One of the key modules of the SIGIZI platform is known as e-PPGBM – Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Gizi Berbasis Masyarakat elektronik (an application for recording and reporting on community-based nutrition). Through this application, health workers can directly report on the nutritional status of children in their areas and arrange necessary follow-up. However, early observations by the Ministry of Health’s Nutrition Surveillance team indicate there are existing challenges in implementing this system. Some of these challenges include: underreporting of data in e-PPGBM, lack of clarity in follow-up mechanisms, the suboptimal capacity of posyandu and puskesmas officers in using e-PPGBM, and suboptimal use of the data within districts and provinces.