Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)  form the backbone of the Indonesian economy and are a key driver of future economic growth. The COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts and climate change have severely affected these businesses, underscoring the need for policymakers to become more forward-looking.

UN Global Pulse’s offices in Finland and Indonesia worked with the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) to help identify the key drivers that could shape the future of MSMEs. We provided Horizon Scanning training for policy planners within Bappenas. This included the development of a Horizon Scanning Manual, check-in and feedback sessions with foresight experts, and multiple workshops to validate the results with a broader group of stakeholders. This should all help Indonesia develop future-proof policies.

Our impact

The process inspired Bappenas policy makers to integrate strategic foresight into their long-term development planning and policy-making process, creating ripple effects across various government sectors.

Using the novel methodology of Strategic Foresight has transformed the conventional policy-making process. It has not only strengthened existing practices within Bappenas but also instilled new ones, encouraging the wider adoption of innovative methods. 

Our final report highlighted emerging trends in Indonesia’s future business landscape and contributed to Indonesia’s National Long-Term Development Plan 2025–2045. This project helped embed foresight as a tool in their policy-planning processes.

Our lessons

  • Strategic Foresight can significantly transform conventional policy-making.
  • Our foresight approach helped Bappenas anticipate emerging trends, paving the way for future-proof policies.
  • Buy-in from senior management is essential for a successful implementation of a new foresight process.