Uganda is experiencing rapid digital transformation, but lacks comprehensive legislation and policies to address risks and respond to the ethical concerns associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. To address the challenge, UN Global Pulse Kampala supported the Uganda Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and National Guidance in efforts to build public trust in the adoption and application of AI. We analyzed legislation, policies, strategies and guidelines on digital technology within Uganda, regionally and globally.
Our impact
We formulated an ethical AI framework for Uganda with recommendations and pathways for the country to consider as it develops legislation. The pathways are guided by the need to address ethics of the society, organizations and individuals for a trusted ecosystem. Implementation of an ethical AI framework along these lines would raise awareness, increase fairness, provide transparency and protect privacy.
Our lessons
- There is a chance to establish a robust framework while AI is still in its early stages in Uganda. UN Global Pulse must work closely with key stakeholders and lead by example.